Review: Hotel Mama (2017)

Hotel Mama (2017)

Directed by: Aline Boyen | 15 minutes | short film, drama | Actors: Marijke Pinoy, Anemone Valcke

In ‘Hotel Mama’ we see the complicated relationship between a mother and her daughter. Both are – in their own way – about to go out into the wild.​ They are confronted with their own dependence and realize that they are more alike than they initially thought.​

It’s a challenge to show a development between two characters in such a short time frame. Many people will be aware that with someone close to you (for example your mother) the mood can change like thunder in a clear sky. Yet the sudden turn of events in ‘Hotel Mama’ also causes confusion. Why all the anger and irritation? It doesn’t seem to make any sense. So at first it’s a bit strange to look at, but if you think about it, it’s also exactly how that can go between close family. One moment you love each other, the next you can stick each other behind the wallpaper. Of course that is also because mother and daughter secretly look very much alike. That soon becomes clear in ‘Hotel Mama’. It’s all very logical.​
Mother and daughter go back together to their old house, where new people now live. Then they go for a picnic in the garden and drink comes out.​It feels made and not like something that would actually happen in that situation. The poor acting also plays a role in this. Especially with the daughter, who is in the well-known black hole, which many young people end up in when they have finished their studies. What now?​ It’s just too thick on top, with her unkempt hair, shabby clothes and grumpy attitude. This ‘dressing up’ should not be necessary.​ Mother is on the other hand with her much too chic clothing. Again it is too thick on top, although Marijke Pinoy does act more subtly.​

All in all, a mother-daughter relationship remains interesting to watch, but the narration is not refreshing. ‘Hotel Mama’ is a film that is correct in every way, but still lacks that which makes you ‘must see it’. A good film doesn’t have to have an insanely exciting storyline to be sizzling. However, ‘Hotel Mama’ lingers in the simple, somewhat dry story and could have been a little less accurate from all sides.​

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