Review: Extra Ordinary (2019)

Extra Ordinary (2019)

Directed by: Mike Ahern, Enda Loughman | 94 minutes | comedy, fantasy | Actors: Maeve Higgins, Barry Ward, Will Forte, Claudia O’Doherty, Jamie Beamish, Terri Chandler, Risteard Cooper, Emma Coleman, Carrie Crowley, Mary McEvoy, Agatha Ellis

‘Extra Ordinary’, directed by Mike Ahern and Enda Loughman, is a horror comedy that probably won’t strike the right note with everyone. What is commonly called an ‘acquired taste’, not for the masses. The film, set in rural Ireland, seems to be set in the 1980s. An Alex van Warmerdam-esque pastiche, but set in Ireland. ‘Extra Ordinary’ tells the story of a loving, lonely driving instructor, Rose Dooley (an outstanding Maeve Higgins), who possesses supernatural abilities. She sees ghosts and can talk to them, but is reluctant to use this gift for ‘everyone’. This is the result of a failed exorcism session in earlier years, which brought her father to a horrific end.

Rose is asked for help by widower Martin Martin (Barry Ward from ‘Jimmy’s Hall’). He and his daughter Sarah are occasionally visited by the ghost of his late wife. At first, Rose refuses the assignment, but she decides to take the bull by the horns after Sarah is bewitched and kidnapped by the sidelined pop star/Satanist Christian Winter (played nice over the top by Will Forte, ‘Nebraska’). He needs fresh, virgin blood to revive his career…

Rose and Martin must search for ectoplasm from seven ghosts to save Sarah. That is also a nice gimmick, because Martin serves as a body/conduit for the different spirits and that results in fun moments. Especially if his ex-wife takes possession of his body. Some jokes may not be picked up by everyone, some may be a bit too specific. Anyway, the film holds up well. There’s a hilarious car chase and the ghost of Martin’s wife spews good lyrics. The real film connoisseur will love the references to other horror and comedy. Maeve Higgins and Barry Ward in particular excel in their respective roles. Maeve: bone-dry and naive, but decisive. Barry: Likeable and innocent. ‘Extra Ordinary’ is a film about ghosts, lost hope and redemption. A film that makes the paranormal seem normal. ‘Extra Ordinary’ is an extremely witty film…

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