Review: Crackling (2005)

Crackling (2005)

Directed by: Martin Koolhoven | 84 minutes | family | Actors: Jesse Rinsma, Tom van Kessel, Carice van Houten, Leny Breederveld, Frieda Pittoors, Daan Schuurmans, Edo Brummer, Judith Bovenberg, Eva van der Gucht, Luc d’Heu

‘Crackling’ is a film to make you happy. Entirely in the tradition of children’s books of recent years, although heavy topics are addressed, such as a manic-depressive mother and the death of a dear family member, the tone is always light. The dialogues are excellent, some one-liners brilliant, the acting is good and above all natural and the film looks as if the production costs have not been skimped on.

Halfway through the story collapses a bit, but this film may be a montage of a number of episodes that will later be broadcast as a series by the VPRO. That could also explain the frequent use of Bonnie’s voice-over, who connects the story in this way. That is not disturbing, however.

There is much to enjoy. Carice van Houten is always very good at these kinds of roles and occasionally very funny. The children also act as if they have never done anything else. Jesse Rinsma is very believable as Bonnie and Tom van Kessel as Koos is a comedic talent. In short: ‘Knetter’ is a film where you can take your nine-year-old children with you. Fun for them and fun for you, because it’s entertaining for adults too.

Although: there is not much to do for boys of about nine years old. Not much action in it. All the main characters are women, apart from the side-kick Koos, the sympathetic teacher (but he is portrayed as a nice ignoramus, although that is certainly not due to Edo Brunner’s performance) and Daan Schuurmans, who plays an unsympathetic shoe salesman very convincingly. In addition, this film has a very high Blaricum content. Everyone lives in a big house with a garden; the weather is always nice and it only rains if that increases the fun. TV and computer games do not exist in this fictional world.

That does not alter the fact that ‘Knetter’ is in any case a very well-made family film and highly recommended.

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