Review: Profile of a Killer (2012)

Profile of a Killer (2012)

Directed by: Caspian Tredwell-Owen | 113 minutes | thriller | Actors: Gabriele Angieri, Joey Pollari, Emily Fradenburgh, Dustin Booth, Sophie Elise Brister, Chris Carlson, Matt Casey, Kirsten Gregerson, Lynn Houck, John Kunik, Ken Melchior, Chandra Michaels, Rick Thiele

If you think you’ve seen all the thrillers about serial killer manhunts by now, ‘Profile of a killer’ will appear. But writer and director Caspian Tredwell-Owen (‘The Island, ‘Beyond Borders’) deviates from the standard set-up in which detective x wants to unravel the identity of that one psychopath and serial killer at all costs. Small essential clues, dangerously confrontational situations and blood-curdling chases often give color to the whole in those films.

‘Profile of a Killer’ is refreshing and original in that respect. Because it soon becomes clear who that cruel serial killer is, when the retired profile maker Saul Aitken himself is kidnapped by him (David). The makers of ‘Profile of a Killer’ immediately throw all mystery overboard and focus purely on the psychological game between the veteran and a young highly gifted psychopath. Tredwell-Owen’s chosen direction offers perspective in the broad landscape of thrillers. But unfortunately the fact is somewhat stranded due to the choice of the actors. That is to say the proportions in age, so that the tension disappears somewhat.

Young actor Joey Pollari (serial killer David) doesn’t exude the dangerous, calculated and gruesome ascendancy you would expect from a psychopath. Physically, Saul (Gabriele Gangieri) even seems to be able to handle his kidnapper. It remains a violent kidnapping instead of a horrifying hostage situation as we know from a classic like ‘Silence of the Lambs’. Such an interplay should therefore not be sought in this film from 2012.

Ultimately it comes down to a cat-and-mouse game between detective and murderer. Only now psychologically, where both don’t seem to be afraid of each other. Who will last and who will be the winner? The tension of ‘Profile of a Killer’ is hidden in that question. It makes the film a no nonsense thriller. What you see is what you get.

‘Profile of a Killer’ was captured in shadowy and icy shots. The filming locations were limited, leaving the focus on interpersonal play. Combined with the violent scenes, the film remains captivating, but will never become chilling or puzzling.

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